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Race Equality at Cambridge

Equality & Diversity

The University has developed a list of priorities and a three-year action plan to address the issues identified to date.

Race Equality: A Plan for Action (PDF)

The priorities and actions were informed by extensive data analysis and consultation undertaken within the framework of the University’s application for the Race Equality Charter (REC).

This included student and staff surveys, consultations with the Heads of Schools, Senior Tutors and students, the results of focus groups, and recommendations across all staff groups from REC Working Groups.


The findings from this internal audit have provided an opportunity for the University to identify key priorities for action. These include:

  1. Embedding the responsibility for race equality across the University institutions
  2. Diverse recruitment and student admission
  3. BME representation at senior levels and in governance structures 
  4. Improving the support for and experience of BME students and staff at the University 
  5. Inclusive teaching and learning practices
  6. Bringing about culture change     


The implemented and planned actions to address the priorities above include (but are not limited to):

The University is aware of the limitations of the acronym “BAME” and "BME" and recognises that there is no agreement in the sector as regards what terminology should be used. The University’s intention is to progress equality, foster inclusion and eliminate racism as it has a detrimental impact on everyone.


Race Equality and Inclusion Champions